Colleen Moffitt, Founding Partner

In addition to leading account activities for several clients, Colleen manages operations and helps drive business development for Communiqué PR. She is a co-author of Strategic Public Relations: 10 Principles to Harness the Power of PR and is a frequent speaker on the topics of public relations, social media and the changing media landscape.

Why PR

As someone that loves mysteries and puzzles, I enjoy figuring out how to help my clients tell and share their stories in effective and creative ways.


I graduated from University of Puget Sound with a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a minor in Business. I also completed a year of French studies at the Universitaire d'Etudes Francaises of the University of Grenoble III.​

Prior Lives​

Before founding Communiqué with Jennifer in 2004, I was a program manager for RealNetworks. I managed competitive reviews, led feature definition and developed detailed specifications. Prior to joining RealNetworks, I was at Microsoft.​

Off the Clock​ ​

I enjoy running, hiking, traveling and spending time with friends.

Jennifer Gehrt, Founding Partner

Jennifer leads account activities for several clients and manages operations and business development for Communiqué PR. She is the co-author of Strategic Public Relations: 10 Principles to Harness the Power of PR.

Why PR​

There is nothing that gets me more excited than a compelling and complicated story. I love the challenge of figuring out the right way to share it, determining the timing and identifying all the necessary elements to bring the story to life. It is deeply rewarding to see how media coverage helps our clients achieve their business goals.​


I graduated from the University of Oregon with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. I was also fortunate for the opportunity to study at Nijenrode (now Nyenrode Business Universiteit) in the Netherlands, where I earned an international business diploma.​

Prior Lives​

Prior to co-founding Communiqué PR, I was with Waggener Edstrom, Tegic Communications / AOL, and AT&T Wireless Services (formerly McCaw Cellular Communications).​

Off the Clock

When I am not working, you'll find me spending time with my husband, getting together with my book club, which includes four friends from college, enjoying a spinning class or working on creative writing. I’m working on a historical fiction.​